Our goal is to generate revenue to support the Senior Options for Independence, Care Management and Transportation programs, which benefit senior citizens who reside in Perinton. Staffed by volunteers, we offer donated home decor and craft supplies at low prices.
Our History
The idea for a fund-raiser selling craft materials came from a chance meeting (in Italy!) with a woman who had run a similar shop in California as a charity fund-raiser.
Craft Bits & Pieces was born in the fall of 2001. Donated materials were initially accepted at the Perinton Town Hall and sales were held about once a month in park shelters and other indoor spaces around town. By 2002 the volume of donated supplies made it possible to open a storefront at 9 1/4 North Main St in Fairport.
In 2009, the store opened at 138 Fairport Village Landing. Several months later, a separate donation area was opened at 104 Village Landing to accommodate the ever-increasing amount of donated items. In November 2020, we relocated our store right next to the Donation Station. Our biggest, brightest, most beautiful space yet.
We Support
Profits from the store support the Senior Options for Independence (SOFI) programs and Elderbus Transportation programs.